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国際相続の極意 Inheritance Laws in Japan


Fred Kan & Co.法律事務所(香港)

Inheritance Laws in Japan

Column (7) When one of the heirs is missing (Declarations of Disappearance (失踪宣告))


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The Decedent has passed away, leaving his estates in Japan. After researching family relations, we were able to identify all of the heirs. However, we cannot contact one of the identified heirs for over 20 years and do not know where he has gone.
In this case, how should we proceed with the inheritance proceedings in Japan?

Answer: Declarations of Disappearance

In the case of inheritance without a will, all heirs must conclude “Estate Division Agreement (isan-bunkatsu-kyougisyo)” (遺産分割協議書) as stated in Column (1) in order to proceed with the inheritance procedures in Japan.
If one of the heirs has been missing for many years and cannot be contacted, it is necessary to file a petition for a “declaration of disappearance (Shissou-Senkoku)” (失踪宣告) at a Japanese family court.

According to the court’s website:

The family court may, upon petition, declare a person as “Missing” if his or her life or death has been unknown for seven years (ordinary disappearance), or if the person has been in danger of death due to war, ship sinking, earthquake, etc., and his or her life or death has been unknown for one year after the danger has passed (disappearance due to danger). A declaration of disappearance is a system to give effect to the legal presumption of death to a person whose life or death is unknown.

For example,

if a person went missing in an earthquake, the family court can, upon petition by any interested person, issue a declaration of disappearance if the person has not been heard from for one year and his/her life or death is unknown to his relatives. (Ordinary disappearance)

In other cases, even if a person has gone missing without any serious accident or disaster, the family court can issue a declaration of disappearance if the person has not been contacted for more than seven years and his/her life or death is unknown. (Disappearance due to danger)

In the present case,

if the person has not been contacted for 20 years or more, a petition for declaration of disappearance can be submitted. A petition for declaration of disappearance must be filed with the Japanese family court based on records and evidence from the last time contact was made, as well as testimony from family, relatives and others who know the subject person and the circumstances at that time.

Even if the missing person (heir) is a foreigner (Non-Japanese national), there is a possibility that a declaration of disappearance can be issued by a Japanese family court in exceptional cases if the missing person is related to the inheritance in Japan.

Administrator of the estate of an absentee (Fuzaisha-Zaisan-Kanri-Nin) 不在者財産管理人

If the heir is missing but should not be declared missing because he/she is presumed dead, an application for the appointment of an “administrator of the estate of an absentee”(Fuzaisha-Zaisan-Kanri-Nin) 不在者財産管理人 may be submitted.
I will explain more about absentee administrators in another column.

If you wish to file a petition for a declaration of disappearance under the circumstances of the person in question, it would be difficult to file the petition to the court by yourself, so it is advisable to ask a Japanese lawyer or other specialist.

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コラム⑦ 相続人の一人が行方不明の場合(失踪宣告)について










なお、行方不明だが死亡とみなしてしまう失踪宣告をすべきでない場合、『不在者財産管理人』の選任を申し立てることもあります。不在者財産管理人については、また別のコラムで説明します。 質問者の事情で失踪宣告を申し立てる場合、自分で裁判所に申し立てるのは難しいので、日本の弁護士などの専門家に依頼するとよいでしょう。

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